We have a whole range of printed blank notelet cards with envelopes, DL fold cards,
as well as personalized photo cards for your own area or business.
(Available in 71 x 100 and 100 x 150 as well as 99 x 210mm)
Colour or Sepia.

Photo cards sold in packets of 10 per image.
These cards are individually packed with their envelopes in a cellophane bag.

Beauty in a grain of Sand Garden of the Gods My home is where my heart is


Pastures of Peace Patchwork Design Protea cynaroides


Blue Crane Tango Windmill in the Mist African Dawn


Bon Voyage Golden Opportunity Journey towards Wholeness


Just the Two of Us Where Oceans Meet To a New Life

DL Fold Cards:

Square blank cards: colour / sepia / black and white:

Personalized square blank fold cards (14,5 x 15,5 cm) can be printed with landscape images, animals or an image of your choice. These cards are available in colour, sepia or black and white. Each card is individually packed with its envelope in a cellophane bag.

Gift boxes with 5 blank cards:

We have a wide variety of gift boxes with 5 cards (71 x 100mm) and gift packs with 5 cards (100 x 150mm) each: landscapes, animals, flowers and vintage cards as well as personalized gift boxes with images of your area and your choice
(or your own images).
Envelopes are included.

Catalogue images of gift boxes with 5 cards:


Contact information for:
South African Cards, Personalized Notelet Cards, Big 5 cards, square blank fold cards, sepia cards, black and white cards, DL cards, Gift Boxes and card gift packs.

Fax: +27 (0) 86 666 6531   Cell: +27 (0)82 579 5038

E-mail: sales@ziyafanaimages.co.za
PO Box 335
South Africa

All images copyright © Photographers Wicus Leeuwner & Kina Joubert