
A picture tells a thousand words!

This is a sample of more than 900 000 images that we have available in our
image library:

Countries: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, USA, Canada, Greece, Holland,
New Zealand, Portugal and Spain.

Images of animals, birds and places / Towns available.

Prices for enlargements and canvas prints on request.

Click on an image to enter a category:

Ref: Swell 001 12
Ref: Wh patch 009 09


photo photo2
Ref: Kammiesk 037 08
Ref: Sossusv 004 09


Kina 50


Ziya Fana Images keep its own image library and an excellent selection
of photographs are available from us directly.

Our pricing is structured as per the industry standard and depends on certain factors,
for example: usage, period of use,
distribution, image size and geographic area where the image will
eventually be used.
As well as being the basis of the pricing structure,
this information also prevents conflicting future use of the image.

We are willing to do assignments if you need images which aren't in our library.

Contact information for images of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Canada,
USA, Greece, Holland, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain: 
Fax: +27 (0) 86 666 6531   Cell: +27 (0)82 579 5038
PO Box 335
South Africa

All images copyright © Photographers Wicus Leeuwner & Kina Joubert