Top Quality personalized Fridge Magnets with a trendy metallic
look and feel - image and information of your choice.
Real photographs used to ensure archival quality.
Size: 45 x 80 mm

Special offers to fridge magnet collectors.

Please contact us for our catalogue of funny messages and
Bible verses on our fridge magnets.

Specials for shops: Tabletop display stands available for fridge magnets.

Personalzied Fridge Magnets

Top end personalized Fridge Magnets with real stamps.
Size: 45 x 80 mm
We can embed your stamps, or similar flat objects in a fridge magnet.

South African postcards fridge magnets keyrings long matches fridge matchboxes bumper stickers birthday calendars magnetic photo framesimages

Save the date magnets are ideal for weddings, wedding planning or wedding invatations.

South African postcards fridge magnets keyrings long matches fridge matchboxes bumper stickers birthday calendars magnetic photo framesimages South African postcards fridge magnets keyrings long matches fridge matchboxes bumper stickers birthday calendars magnetic photo framesimages

Contact information for Personalized Fridge Magnets, Custom Made Fridge Magnets
with Stamps and Save the Date Magnets for Weddings:
Fax: +27 (0) 86 666 6531   Cell: +27 (0)82 579 5038
PO Box 335
South Africa

All images copyright © Photographers Wicus Leeuwner & Kina Joubert